About us - but for you - Your benefit - Our USP - Top consultants 2024

What TITBC can do for you!

With our independent solution consulting from a technical, procedural and business perspective, we have secured the TOP 100 Consultant award four times as a company. 

Our 25 years of experience in ITSM, ITOM and turnaround management enable us to offer IT solutions that are tailored to your business model, increase efficiency and put people first.

The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.

We are proud of our 4th award in a row and show continuitywhich we incorporate into all our projects.

Book a free consultation right now to get an initial assessment of your tasks and an initial roadmap for your challenges.

The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.
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How you can improve the service experience with TITBC

The key is TITBC's integrated approach with all our manufacturers!

In today's fast-paced economy, achieving excellence is more important than ever. Manufacturers face challenges in terms of efficiency, compliance and maintaining high quality. In this environment, TITBC and the innovative collaboration with our partners are leading the industry and revolutionizing your business processes.

The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.
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Benefit from our specialist knowledge and take the path together with us. Recognized as a Top 100 consultant 4 times in a row by our clients and former German President Christian Wulff.

The introduction of new software presents every company with a major challenge. There are many things to consider to ensure that all framework conditions are created and that all teams working with the software are on board. Only then can the new system be used optimally. Use us as an external partner to create structure and clarity during implementation.

The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.

Values that are important to us

Reliability, customer and target orientation

We are fair and competent and always strive to achieve a balance between enthusiastic customers, motivated employees, satisfied suppliers and commercial success.

We want to further expand our innovative strength and offer our customers the right solutions at the right time.

The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.
iso 9001:2015 certificate of tröger it business consulting
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We are ISO 9001:2015 certified

Quality is not just a buzzword for us, we live it. This increases customer benefit - i.e. your benefit - through the simplification, repeatability and efficiency of our internal processes. And we regularly have ourselves externally certified, e.g. our internal QM system according to ISO9001.

The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.

Customers and suppliers


We are proud of our many long-standing customer and supplier relationships with well-known companies and market leaders in our industry.

In our business model, we view the people we deal with neither as paying customers nor as employees who drive up costs and therefore need to be rationalized.

The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.

This is us

Tröger IT Business Consulting

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André Tröger

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Swathi Vijaya

Center of Excellence Monitoring

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Nandini Dodamani
Technical Consultant
Application Monitoring

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Suresh Kumar Rajendran
Technical Consultant
Center of Excellence Monitoring

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Fernando Villava
Technical Consultant
Center of Excellence Monitoring

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Ralf Wichmann

Technical Consultant
Center of Excellence Monitoring

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Frank Dauscha

Senior Consultant

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Bernhard Höllerer

HR/ Business Development Manager

The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.

Social responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Corporate social responsibility is a fundamental element of the social market economy in Germany.
Our company is part of society and sees its social responsibility as part of its business activities. This is a voluntary contribution that companies want to make over and above their legal obligations. This relates to how they treat employees, people in general and the environment.

In concrete terms, this means

As a commercial enterprise, Tröger IT Business Consulting GmbH naturally offers high-quality products and professional services; beyond this business objective, TITBC sees itself as an integral part of society and the region and as such also wants to assume "corporate responsibility".

This is how we measure ourselves.

Instead of gifts and presents for our customers (or ourselves), we donate a considerable amount to various social institutions every year.

The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.
André tröger at the comforter teddy bear campaign
© c. Steffl / kinderhilfe eckental

Support for the Eckental children's charity

50 comfort teddies were given to the Erler Clinic in Nuremberg.

With the "Cuddly Ralphi", Kinderhilfe Eckental has been supporting sick and injured children who need emergency treatment in the emergency room or ambulance for years. The cuddly teddy bear helps the child to cope better with pain and anxiety and brings them great joy. We are delighted to have made a contribution and hope that many more supporters will help Kinderhilfe Eckental achieve its goal.

The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.

Mission statement

Our model of the honorable merchant

Tröger IT Business Consulting is expressly committed to the model of the honorable businessman.
This is characterized by high ethical principles, a sense of responsibility and long-term, sustainable action in the context of society as a whole.

The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.
Icon result

"Commitment to the preservation of values"

The honorable merchant as a person

  • is open-minded and liberally oriented
  • stands by his word, his handshake is valid
  • develops commercial judgment
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"Creating conditions for honorable action"

The honorable merchant in his The company

  • is a role model in his actions
  • creates the conditions for honorable conduct in his company
  • invests its entrepreneurial activities in the long term and sustainably
Icon result

"The framework for Understanding and shaping honorable action"

The honorable merchant in business and society

  • adheres to the principle of good faith
  • recognizes and assumes responsibility for the economic and social order
  • also stands up for its values in international business
The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.


35 pages of expertise

This e-book will help you to introduce the right IT Service Management & Enterprise Service Management solution in your company.

35 pages of concentrated knowledge so that you don't make the wrong decision when choosing your ITSM & ESM solution. 

Get a head start and learn how to choose the right IT service management and enterprise service management solution for your organization before you invest.

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IT service management with ITSM purchasing advice

Do you need professional advice on planning and implementing your IT service management?

The e-book "ITSM & ESM Buyer's Guide" will help you make the right choice.


Save time with our ITSM purchasing advice

Does your company need an IT service management tool?

Then you should read our e-book.

Here you will find Information that will help you can the right IT Service Management & Enterprise Service Management solution for your company.

The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.
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André Tröger - CEO


"Choosing the right ITSM tool doesn't have to be difficult.

Make it easy for yourself with our E-Book "ITSM BUYING ADVICE".


TITBC Assistant

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