IT transformation with ITSM. Pragmatic! Simpler! More flexible!

Simplify your IT transformation. Through a harmonized and seamless integration of your ITSM, ESM and ITOM processes, you finally have control back and can use your "BIG-Data" in a simple way to achieve your goals.

It's time to cut through and simplify your IT complexity to make your organization truly service-oriented.

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OPTIC (Operations Platform for Transformation, Intelligence and Cloud)

OPTIC enables a more practical transformation - building on what already exists through open REST APIs and a wide range of functions. The integrated, unlimited and intelligent core is used to normalize, store and understand all the data generated by the various tools in the IT environment. The flexibility of the cloud allows you to extend operational best practices.

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Service management

Relieve your IT support and satisfy users with intuitive, self-learning and maintenance-free self-service. With a single solution and cloud management, users get what they want quickly.

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Service processing

needs-based and precisely tailored resources - from traditional to cloud-native to hybrid IT. This allows you to automatically provide the optimum resources and shorten fulfillment cycles at the same time.

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Service assurance

Get a better view of service health by using algorithms to detect anomalies faster and turn volumes of data into actionable insights for faster problem resolution.

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Service governance

Reduce the risk of security breaches with heterogeneous servers, databases, middleware solutions, networks and cloud services - while optimizing cloud spend through cost control.

Case Study

What our customers say

Meeting on the introduction of the digital control center
It transformation and itsm! The path to your success! 13

Case study premium car manufacturer

How a leading German premium car manufacturer introduced the digital control center

After three months of the project phase, data was collected in real time, and through performance benchmarking up to month six, the processes were optimized in such a way that savings in the six-figure to million range were immediately noticeable.

→ Read more


35 pages of expertise

This e-book will help you to introduce the right IT Service Management & Enterprise Service Management solution in your company.

35 pages of concentrated knowledge so that you don't make the wrong decision when choosing your ITSM & ESM solution. 

Get a head start and learn how to choose the right IT service management and enterprise service management solution for your organization before you invest.

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IT service management with ITSM purchasing advice

Do you need professional advice on planning and implementing your IT service management?

The e-book "ITSM & ESM Buyer's Guide" will help you make the right choice.


Save time with our ITSM purchasing advice

Does your company need an IT service management tool?

Then you should read our e-book.

Here you will find Information that will help you can the right IT Service Management & Enterprise Service Management solution for your company.

The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.
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André Tröger - CEO


"Choosing the right ITSM tool doesn't have to be difficult.

Make it easy for yourself with our E-Book "ITSM BUYING ADVICE".

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