The aim was to involve and integrate all departments and also to standardize the manufacturer situation, as this was very heterogeneous. By using the ITSM, ITOM solutions, we were able to complete this task easily.

Manager Connect

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Information Technology

Icon use case

Use Case

Digital control center

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Project period

12 months consulting phase, 3 years managed service

Digital control center introduced as a real-time system

Due to a previous project at another department, the focus was placed on the digital control center with the question "should we introduce a digital control center". The aim was to involve and integrate all departments and also to standardize the manufacturer situation, as this was very heterogeneous. By using the ITSM, ITOM solutions, we were able to complete this task easily.

"Thanks to Tröger IT's extensive experience and independence from manufacturers, we were able to achieve our internal goals more quickly."

Icon initial situation

Initial situation

The coordination of the IT and specialist departments caused high friction losses. This was caused by the lack of a central committee for coordinating requirements and the lack of service trees to ensure that the components per service belonged together.

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After consultation phase

Standardization of the manufacturer situation, development of the requirements, coordination with the works council and other internal processes were accompanied by Tröger IT and presented with a document for recommendation.

During the managed service phase

After the consultation, a so-called "proof of value" was initiated, which implemented a selective sub-process with a smaller project scope on a trial basis, which was successful.

Digital control center automotive manufacturer
Information technology 10
Icon result

Result 1

Transparency of the service trees ensures fast error detection. This transparency means that errors can be assigned to the relevant department more quickly, as well as increasing the stability and availability of the systems.

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Result 2

20% lower operating costs thanks to shortened processes and more efficient error detection. Higher employee satisfaction, fewer escalations.

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