Only through our partners and many years of intensive collaboration can something extraordinary be created

We introduce you to our partners. You will benefit from our many years of cooperation. Our manufacturer-independent approach also flows into your project.

Utilize the value from all your data, regardless of its size.

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The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.

The competitive advantage of a service-oriented mindset

We are currently experiencing a shift from a product-oriented approach to a service-oriented approach. For decades, manufacturing was synonymous with the production of material goods - cars, appliances and widgets in all colors, shapes and sizes.

Success was often measured by the volume of products that rolled off the assembly lines. Companies competed fiercely on the basis of product features, cost efficiency and supply chain performance. Those were the days of visible results! But times have changed, as have markets and consumer preferences.


The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.

We are in an age where consumers increasingly value not just the product itself, but the whole experience that surrounds it. This change is more than just a trend; it is a seismic shift! Manufacturers will no longer be able to ignore it! 

The changes are already clearly visible, in addition to the fact that they are currently occurring at an unprecedented speed and it can be assumed that these are only the harbingers of a fundamentally changing economy as we have known it up to now.

Our partner IFS

Service-oriented for your competitive advantage

Hold on tight, because we are about to change the game for you in the area of IT & Enterprise Service Management and your Moment of Service, without a lengthy project duration, pragmatically and individually tailored to you!!!

Tröger IT Business Consulting, is pleased to announce a ground-breaking partnership with a completely new approach together with IFS!

IFS Assyst is one of the initial founders who were the first to transform ITIL into a tool!

At a time when IT Service Management and Enterprise Service Management are at the forefront of business operations, we are teaming up with IFS to deliver something extraordinary!

The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.

Our partner OpenText

Transformation through service-centered consulting

his 2-3 minute video introduces a long-standing partnership of 20 years that has included many joint and ground-breaking projects. The partnership highlights a uniquely innovative approach to delivering projects quickly, pragmatically and successfully by considering all areas necessary to deliver successful solutions for clients. The journey began with Mercury and its then ground-breaking products, which are now considered state of the art. Over the years, it has passed through various companies until the current partnership with OpenText.

The successful support of enterprise customers has been achieved through close cooperation with various departments such as product management, research and development, sales and the entire organization. OpenText is recommended as a strong partner in the market, having built its impressive portfolio through acquisitions of leading software vendors and an innovative strategy.

This portfolio is ideal for building a digital control center with seamless integration. It includes products for load and regression testing, IT operations infrastructure, automation, application monitoring, IT and business services products, and recent acquisitions of cybersecurity vendors. OpenText products are characterized by their integration and their suitability for heterogeneous environments.

The video concludes with an invitation to arrange a free consultation to receive a vendor-independent roadmap for individual requirements. The partnership aims to jointly implement successful projects and drive digital transformation forward.

The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.

Our partner New Relic

Mastering challenges in a service-oriented manner

n this 2-3 minute video, we introduce our strategic partnership with software provider New Relic and explain the reasons for its importance to us. The partnership underlines a strong customer-centric approach that focuses on delivering solutions in a timely manner, with the highest quality and ensuring success, especially in challenging situations.
The partnership with New Relic has been built on a foundation of successful collaboration and joint projects, and our commitment to customer satisfaction is unwavering. We emphasize that New Relic is not just a software provider, but a reliable partner who, like us, puts the customer's needs first.
The video demonstrates our ability to deliver solutions that meet our customers' requirements and highlights our unique selling points (USPs) that set us apart from other providers. We offer comprehensive solutions that cover everything from planning to implementation, ensuring that our customers receive full support at every stage.
New Relic's innovative technologies enrich our partnership and enable our customers to optimize their digital performance and gain valuable insights into critical business processes. We are proud to drive our customers' digital transformation and improve their competitiveness through our collaboration with New Relic.
When faced with challenges, we emphasize our unwavering commitment to delivering customer solutions on time, with exceptional quality and a proven track record. The video concludes with a

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The titbc company logo, the experts for itsm, itom, esm. The only experts who include all perspectives for your guaranteed success.
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